Camping at FiddleFest
All camping is no hook-up, rough camping. There is space for approximately 300 campers, tents or RV’s in the camping area. Camping spaces are free, but are first come, first served only. Portable bathroom facilities will be located in the camp area. Showers are located in the gymnasium (across from the Tinker main stage area), and lockers/towels may be rented for $8.00 for the two day festival.
Pets on a leash are allowed in the campground, and owners are responsible for their pets. No pets are allowed in concert or indoor facilities of the festival grounds, and no unsupervised or unleashed pets are allowed in the camping area, for the safety of our guests and their property.
Some basic rules of the Campground
- Please keep your area clean. We wish to be welcome neighbors at Hollins University, and ask that you leave the area as clean as you found it. Trash receptacles will be provided. We ask that you place your bagged trash in or beside the receptacles, so that volunteers can collect it for disposal each day.
- No open display of alcoholic beverages in the camping area. We’re not saying you can’t have it, just that you be discreet!
- No public display of pornographic or offensive signage, banners, or other such displays. We are a family oriented event, and ask that you respect the rights of others.
- No open fires in the camping area. Camp stoves, camp fireplaces, charcoal grilles are all acceptable, but no open cooking fires not contained within a fire receptacle designed for such purpose. This is by order of the fire marshal, for the safety of our guests and their property.
- Parking lot and camping area pickers are most welcome.
- Please try to be a good camping neighbor, and respect the area of your fellow campers, and their property. Generally speaking, the manners your mother taught you are good enough for us!